Joshua Tree National Park Association

JTNPA Awards 2017 Minerva Hoyt Conservation Award to 29 Palms Inn Naturalist Pat Flanagan

For Immediate Release: May 9, 2018

Contact: Jacqueline Guevara, Executive Director
Joshua Tree National Park Association
Breanna Dusastre, Director of Marketing
29 Palms Inn

Joshua Tree National Park Association Awards 2017 Minerva Hoyt Conservation Award to 29 Palms Inn Naturalist Pat Flanagan

TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif.—The Joshua Tree National Park Association has awarded the 2017 Minerva Hoyt
Conservation Award to Pat Flanagan, in recognition of her outstanding contributions in stewardship,
education, research, and preservation of the California deserts.

The prestigious Minerva Hoyt California Desert Conservation Award recognizes annually individuals or
organizations that have worked to further Mrs. Hoyt’s legacy by making notable achievements in the
areas of leadership, protection, preservation, research, education, and stewardship of California’s desert
lands. The award seeks to recognize an individual or persons whose efforts lead to a significant and
lasting contribution on behalf of the deserts of California.

Flanagan has dedicated the last 20 years to conservation work to protect and preserve the California
Desert. She was a founding member and director of Mojave Desert Land Trust and contributed to the
efforts to support the designation of Sand to Snow, Mojave Trails, and Castle Mountains National
Monuments. In addition to Flanagan’s long history of notable accomplishments and contributions to
conservation efforts she is active as a board member of the Morongo Basin Conservation Association,
Morongo Basin Municipal Advisor Council, and a member of the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management
District’s Technical Advisory Committee. Flanagan also continues her work as the onsite naturalist at the
29 Palms Inn, where she leads nature walks at the Oasis of Mara on weekends for visiting hotel guests and local residents.

The Minerva Hoyt Conservation Award was presented to Pat Flanagan by Mark Lundquist, Field
Representative, Supervisor James Ramos, County of San Bernardino. Flanagan also received
proclamations from Congressman Paul Cook, Congressman Raul Ruiz, Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia,
Assemblyman Chad Mayes, and by 29 Palms Mayor McArthur Wright. Closing remarks and
congratulations were given by David Smith, Superintendent, Joshua Tree National Park.

Flanagan was honored to receive the award, saying that “the Minerva Hoyt Conservation Award is a
wonderful confirmation that is all about protecting our communities and our desert, and that we’re all
in this together.”

The award ceremony took on May 8, 2018 at the 29 Palms Inn, in front of a crowd of 100+ community
members from the Morongo Basin, Lucerne Valley, and Daggett/Newberry Springs, and included
representatives from numerous conservation organizations, elected officials, and friends and family. Images of the awards ceremony are available on DropBox.

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