Joshua Tree National Park Association

Slice of Science

Desert institute

Slice of Science: Demonstrations, Workshops, and Lectures

The revamped Slice of Science series will occur monthly on every third Thursday from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at Mojave Flea in Yucca Valley. The lectures, curated by the JTNPA Education team, will be designed to make scientific content accessible to the public.

The Slice of Science series bridges the gap between scientific research and the public by disseminating relevant findings and fostering community engagement. The program was developed to meet the presentation requirement of the Marian Huff Tremblay Science Scholarship. We will host a range of desert researchers and scientists for this programming, widening the scope beyond scholarship awardees.

Desert Institute has a long history of community outreach, and over the past 20-some years has provided hundreds of public lectures and events that elucidate the natural and cultural histories of the Morongo Basin and Coachella Valley. The Slice of Science lecture series features lectures, presentations, demonstrations, and workshops by scientists and researchers who focus their efforts in desert environments.

These lectures are free and open to the public!

Learn more and register at


Our fall presentations will take place at Mojave Flea Trading Post, 55727 Twentynine Palms Highway, Yucca Valley, CA 92284.

The Twentynine Palms Historical Society (TPHS) and Desert Institute are continuing to work together but in new capacities. The TPHS is hosting “Fridays at the Museum” at the Old Schoolhouse Museum, a new take on the 2nd Friday Lecture series that was previously a collaboration between TPHS and Desert Institute.


Give us a call at 760-819-4714 or email

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