Joshua Tree National Park Association

Park rangers advise local communities and visitors about a potential traffic surge

Joshua Tree National Park News Release
Release Date: July 29, 2024 
TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif. – The park is anticipating a traffic surge due to the 2024 Perseids meteor shower. Local communities and businesses should expect increased traffic to the park from August 10 to August 12, 2024.   
The annual Perseids meteor shower is often one of the most visible meteor showers annually. Last year, the peak of the Perseids meteor shower (August 12, 2023) fell on a Saturday with a new moon. This year the peak will land on a Monday night, with a first quarter moon. As a result, the visibility of the showers will be significantly lessened. 
When popular astronomical events occur with increased media coverage, Joshua Tree National Park can often see large traffic surges. During a the 2023 Perseids meteor shower, thousands of visitors arrived at the park the same night. Similar heavy traffic was seen again with the Aurora Borealis sighting in March, 2024.  
Due to the park’s proximity to major cities, traffic can be heavy and can cause delays of up to several hours while entering the park. 
Joshua Tree National Park is a certified dark night sky area through the International Darksky Association (IDA). The IDA has certified several locations in the southern California region that are good alternatives.  
Plan ahead for best night sky viewing by locating areas removed from light pollution caused by major cities, increased traffic, and personal light use. Buying entrance passes ahead of time on can minimize delays entering the park. While visiting the park during these events, please respect the local communities and the park. Pack out all your trash, and keep artificial light and sound use to a minimum. Open fires are not permitted anywhere in the park. Cell service is unreliable, and there is no food or water available to purchase inside the park. Consider downloading the park app to use offline while visiting.     
About Joshua Tree National Park: Two distinct desert ecosystems, the Mojave and the Colorado, come together         
in Joshua Tree National Park. Dark night skies, a rich cultural history, and surreal geologic features         
add to the wonder of this vast wilderness in southern California. Learn more at and on Facebook, Instagram, X, and Youtube    
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