Joshua Tree National Park Association

B.A.R.K. Ranger


The Bark Ranger Program is designed to encourage all dogs to experience National Parks with their human while respecting the B.A.R.K. Ranger rules (B is for bagging your pet’s waste, A is for always keeping your pet on a leash (6′ or shorter, please), R is to help you respect wildlife (no barking, digging, sniffing, or chasing), K is to know where you can go). This year, we will help to fund the 3 main focus areas for the program – 1. A mascot who will serve as the official Bark Ranger, and will make appearances in the park in his or her uniform, especially when programs for children are occurring. 2. Education for the public on policies for dogs in the park via partnerships with canine-focused groups and websites, and 3. Installing dog waste disposal stations along dog friendly trails and maintaining those stations so that the park can remain “waste free.”

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