Joshua Tree National Park Association

Joshua Tree National Park Celebrates 83rd Birthday


JOSHUA TREE NATIONAL PARK, Twentynine Palms, California – On August 10, Joshua Tree National Park celebrates a birthday. It was 83 years ago, through the efforts of Minerva Hamilton Hoyt, that Joshua Tree was designated a national monument by then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Fifty-eight years later, President William Jefferson Clinton signed the California Desert Protection Act, granting national park status to Joshua Tree.

To honor this memorable occasion, the park will be hosting a celebration complete with birthday cake and remarks by park staff. The festivities will start at 10am, Saturday, August 10 at the Oasis Visitor center in Twentynine Palms, with other activities taking place throughout the morning. This event is open to the public, so come out and help wish Joshua Tree National Park a happy birthday!

CONTACT Jennie Albrinck – NPS – (760) 367-5520

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