Joshua Tree National Park Association

Master Naturalists


Joshua Tree Master Naturalist Certificate

If you love observing nature and learning about Joshua Tree National Park, expand your knowledge through the Joshua Tree Master Naturalist Series. Comprehensive courses on key Joshua Tree topics are designed to broaden your understanding of the ecology, plants, geology, wildlife and history of the park. Through field-based excursions and lectures, you’ll cultivate observation skills that are the hallmark of a good naturalist. When you complete eight courses, of your choice, you will receive your “Joshua Tree Master Naturalist” certification. Certification may be completed over time. These courses are approved for credit from UC Riveside Extension, but credit is not required for the certificate.

Complete eight courses to receive your Joshua Tree Master Naturalist certification.

FALL 2022
September 27
Desert Snakes: Mystery and Intrigue
Birds of the Mojave Desert
October 17-18
Insects and Arthoropods of the Morongo Basin
October 23-25
Birds of Anza Borrego
November 6-8
Beginning Bird Banding
Geology and Geomorphology of Death Valley
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