Joshua Tree National Park Association

Science Lecture with Nate Green

Title: Pollen Wasps and Other Hymenoptera Pollinators of Joshua Tree.


Did you know that wasps are pollinators? The unique ecosystems of Southern California are a hot spot for a rare group of pollen-collecting wasps called Pseudomasaris, or pollen wasps. Surprisingly, there has never been a published record of pollen wasps occurring in Joshua Tree National Park! During my field work the past two years I’ve recorded four species of pollen wasp in the park, along with over 50 other bee and wasp species. These animals represent a diverse group of desert-adapted organisms with a variety of lifestyles. Join me and learn about these wonderful, seldom seen insects!

Bio: Nathaniel Green is a PhD Candidate at Washington State University in the Murray Lab. He is studying the little-known wasp genera Pseudomasaris and Euparagia (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). The research focuses on the evolutionary history of both genera and investigating the co-evolution of Pseudomasaris with their floral hosts (Penstemon and Phacelia).


Rattlesnake Room, Resources Building at headquarters
When: 4:00 – 5:00 PM Tuesday, May 7
Questions?  Contact Tasha La Doux ( or Sheri Shiflett (
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