Joshua Tree National Park Association

Science Research Grants


SRS Research Grants
JTNPA funds the Joshua Tree Research Grant Program in its entirety, including the Marian Huff Tremblay Science Scholarship Program. The goals of the program are to support graduate students at accredited institutions for their independent field science studies in Joshua Tree National Park and to support high priority research needs to inform management of park socio-cultural, natural, and wilderness resources.

Awardees produce a written report, prepare a webpage detailing their work and conclusions, and publicly present their findings in a suitable public forum, in addition to providing two to four published research results per year that inform park management and provide added value to the body of knowledge of park resources.

Research categories include: botany, historic structures, wildlife studies, desert ecology, museum studies, oral history, physical and earth sciences, archaeology, cultural landscape studies, park and community history, information management for resources, paleontology, ethnography, social science, and wilderness.

Click here to view last year’s grantees projects.

Click here to learn more about the program and application process.

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